The voice of your soul is soaring
Sound improvisation freely
What is resonance?
Sacred voicemeditation, where we display the sounds that exist in the moment, mostly without instruments, with our purely human voice. We first connect with our own voice, through breathing, through movement, then we create together, boldly sharing our inner voices. I recommend it to those who want to experience what aquality musical experience is like when we create liberatedly, with joy, paying attention to each other, while the love of the sound dome surrounds and expandsin space. Singing skills are not necessary, intent and willingness all the more so. :)
What can you expect?
- to a consciouspresence, to our voices born of our well-being
- sighing,breathing, by which you get to know yourself better through your voice
- (self) acceptance,to show your creativity bravely
- connections,recharging trough the sound domecreated by us
- to open up, tospiritual intimacy with ourselves and others according to our intentions
Süle Vivien is alover of sound improvisation and free sound. She plays Kundalini mantras, affirmation sand her spiritual world on 100% improvisational jams, in different languages(or non-existent languages). On request, she facilitates individual audiosessions, home retreats and community programs across the country.
"I believe everyone speaks beautifully when they find with themselves a voice in which their soulcan sing boldly and with joy again. The chanting gives way to that."