Heidi started in the world of classical music, and has since tried herself as a vocalist, band member, pop singer, and electronic music producer. The watershed for her was meeting the handpan.
The magic of handpan and the community built around it helped her break out of following the patterns of the music industry - pushing her to drop the pop song structure, the striving for a strict radio sound, and the compulsion to conform. In the past year, as the winner of the Petőfi Cultural Agency's "Big Album Program'' competition, she was able to work with a producer on her first album, but during this time her taste completely changed. Thus, although the original album has not been released yet, she is currently working with all her might on a "Tribal" version, on which the rearranged and remixed songs of the album will be heard. She could describe the new direction as tribal house/tribal electronic dance music.
The HUG festival performance will be the debut concert of this new electronic tribal sound. It's a special occasion, as not only is it the first move of this kind in Heidi's career, but also the songs will be heard for the first time by anyone. She takes the stage with his brother, Péter Bognár, who adds color to the electronic set with his live handpan playing.
instagram: /heidialbert.art/
facebook: /heidialbert.art
honlap: heidialbert
Youtube: Heidi Albert