We warmly invite you to an inner journey where we have the opportunity to connect with the energy of the Jungle. We will travel with our eyes closed, first on a plane to Lima, where we will bind ourselves to the spirit of the place by sipping Inka Cola while we wait for our next flight. Then, when we landed in Iquitos, we’ll take a motor to ride with it to the port of Nanay, where the spit-baked palm weevil larvae lure us (and the flies) between sweet melon slices to our boat, which (if we’re lucky and gasoline too) under the Amazon River we reach the port of Santa María. During the cruise, thanks to the waves, the roar of the engine, and the 90 percent humidity, we can pleasantly rock into a trance to see if the freshwater pink dolphins in the river are curious about us. It is only an hour and a half walk from Santa Maria in the jungle and we arrive in the lap of our Mother Earth, the world of the jungle playing in the steamy, warm, loud green and dark dark, where new dimensions can open up before each heartbeat…
Please bring to the program:
- glasses
- blankets / yoga mats
- musical instruments and courage
- openness and curiosity
Through interactive connectivity, we will expand and deepen our knowledge and experience of ourselves, each other, and the world around us through a variety of playful methods.
Topics that are likely to arise (we usually only design frameworks to leave room for co-flow, what that Space and Time and what participants will bring together):
-life in the jungle (Is the kill of nature really "soft"? If there is no mirror, how do I know what I am like? What can mosquitoes teach us?)
- shamanic approach, medicine (And there is no panacea in Peru, even though I write it on the Internet.: D Internal work is inevitable.)
- our own experience (This is all about it, since we can only start from ourselves…)
- sustainability (Why we don't have three tons for sale in Palo Santo and why you shouldn't have it)
- silence, music, attention, love, trust, one-and-a-half turn, heart chakra opening
We are waiting for you with love, surprises and a little Peruvian tasting.
Adrien and Dani
IMPORTANT: Anyone who asks if there are snakes and spiders in the jungle will not get a taste! :D